Monday, December 31, 2012

Gymnastics 2.0 for 2013

While most people may be trying to kick an old habit, I'm going to resurrect one again.  Most are going to start something new, I want to do something I've done before - over and over and over.

So blah, blah, blah with the New Year's resolutions - 2013 will be about reliving some childhood fun.  I'm going back it to something I enjoyed when I was 5 to the age of 17  - Competitive Gymnastics.  

Oh boy.......

So here goes this 33 year old dentist (So what does gymnastics and dentistry have in common? Yeah - and don't say "painful." - ha ha.  Actually there is quite a bit - but for another post.) I have spent 17 years away from competitive gymnastics.  During my "retirement," I became a runner (5ks to marathons), triathlete, pro fitness competitor, and recreational crossfiter.  None of those can quite rank up there to being a gymnast.  They just can't compare to the artistry, challenge - thrill of gymnastics.  So why did all the fun have to go away when I was a kid? It didn't - I just have to go a little out of bounds, differ a little from the norm to claim it.

It would be awesome to be on an Adult gymnastics team- but there's not one, especially in Lumberton.  We don't even have crossfit!   But there is Lumberton Gymnastics Academy, where I coach some (and workout) - owned by former teammate and good friend Kenan Lundy.  Kenan laughed when I told her I wanted to compete, but she knows that normal is not my mode and that I wasn't joking.

It's going to be fascinating to compare competitive gymnastics experienced as an adult to how I lived it as a kid - 20 hours a week for so many years.  Practices will be truncated to 2- max per week, and the remainder of the days I will train at my home studio - fusing together bodyweight and gymnastics, MET, and traditional conditioning.  

Time to get out the leo and chalk up the grips.....and don't hold back the laughs - this should be a real trip!